
I have had these boxes of recordings piled up in my studio since my fathers death in May of 2008. After his death I spent the first year or so listening through them. Storyteller, comedian, philosopher, historian, songwriter, musician and masterclass performer, it’s all there, beginning to end. What struck me the most was how his shows evolved over the years and how they reflected his evolution as a person as well. Some of the early shows contained some off-color material that he dropped as the times changed. His first show at Lena’s was mainly a train show, how to ride them, how to identify them, everything train. I feel like his career was a continual work in progress…aren’t we all. I think one of my fathers finest qualities was the willingness to evolve as a person, and his shows do reflect the transitions. A craftsman to the end. I will upload shows as time allows and I do hope that you enjoy listening to them as much as I have.

I have tried to nail down the dates and places best I can. Please do send me an email If there are corrections to note or additional information to add.

~Duncan Phillips~

Last update 2/2/23